When Is Nutrition Counseling a Good Idea?

Published On: November 13, 2023Categories: Wellness

Many people think of nutrition counseling as a way to lose weight. While it can certainly be helpful to have an experienced nutritionist advise you on healthy weight loss, weight loss isn’t the goal of every patient who uses nutrition counseling. Here’s when seeking out a nutritionist as a part of your healthcare services is a great idea.

You’re at Risk for Certain Conditions

Chronic conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes have many risk factors, including genetics, physical inactivity, tobacco use, raised cholesterol, and diet. Your doctor may recommend that you work with a nutritionist if you’re at greater risk for these conditions and your lab results show irregularities in glucose, iron, or cholesterol. A nutritionist can recommend food choices to improve your lab results and your overall health to lower your risk of these conditions or to manage your condition.

You Have a Metabolic Disorder

If you have a metabolic disorder, you may struggle with finding healthy meals that not only work well for managing your condition but also work well for your palate. A nutritionist can recommend foods and meal options that can help to reduce your symptoms, manage your condition, and make you happy. What’s more, for certain conditions like PCOS (which is a combination of metabolic and reproductive endocrine disorders) where self-care and nutrition make up a majority of treatment options, a nutritionist can certainly help a lot.

You’re Experiencing Digestive Issues

If you’re frequently experiencing diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, and other digestive issues, your doctor may recommend that you see a nutritionist to determine if anything in your diet may be worsening your health and how you can improve your well-being. Your nutritionist may recommend high-fiber foods, alkaline foods, apple cider vinegar, and other potential options to reduce or manage your symptoms.

According to the CDC, you should visit your doctor at least once a year, and for good reason. At Care Station Medical Group, our primary care physicians work closely with our patients to help monitor and improve their long-term health. Seeing a nutritionist is a great way to do just that. If your doctor has recommended you see a nutritionist or if you’re interested in learning more about how a nutritionist can help you improve your lifestyle, contact Care Station Medical Group today.