X-Ray and Labs

Care Station Medical Group has the ability to perform X-Rays and Lab work 7 days a week on a walk-in basis.  Our medical team and facilities have state-of-the-art tools ready to assist a patient that needs greater detail about what is going on in their health.

As an Open-Access Primary Care Practice, we provide for all your medical needs under one roof.

As a practice that offers both Primary and Urgent Care services, our labs are equipt to quickly run basic blood panels that monitor baseline health conditions.  We are also equipped to provide Rapid COVID screening, as well as countless other screening orders that a Physician determines are necessary for your care.

Our digital X-Ray is here to help provide a clear diagnosis of the structure of your bones.  Having that knowledge allows for a proper treatment plan to be created.

If you value having a healthcare team that has all your solutions in one place, or the convenience of having urgent care services available 7 days a week…we’re here for you.

Have questions? Let us help!