3 Financial Reasons To Utilize Rapid COVID Testing

These days it can be difficult to identify whether our body’s symptoms are COVID-related or not, and many people still book appointments with their primary care doctor to get a diagnosis. Rather than wasting time on the phone and in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, rapid COVID testing can save you time and money as you assess your diagnosis, and here are three reasons how:
Rapid COVID Testing Can Be Done at Home
The great thing about rapid tests is that you can purchase them in packs of two kits for under $25 at your local drug store or pharmacy. Having these at the ready can provide great ease to people who think they may have been exposed to COVID-19 and would like to get test results in a hurry. This method also allows you to take necessary precautions quickly, should self-quarantine be necessary for your household. The typical test kit requires only a nasal swab and produces results in 15 minutes!
Rapid Testing Can Save You the Hassle of the Doctor’s Office or Hospital
We’ve all been there: sitting in a waiting room for what feels like hours after our scheduled appointment time, still waiting to be seen by our primary care doctor. In times where COVID testing is a concern, a trip to the doctor’s office is a waste of time. You also won’t receive a massive bill in the mail for minimal services or consultation. While regular checkups are important parts of healthy living — fortunately 85% of adults met with their primary doctor last year, according to the CDC — this situation does not require a checkup. Save yourself the energy and the gas, and test yourself at home.
Rapid COVID Testing Is Just as Accurate
Rapid tests are reported to produce accurate results 87% of the time. This makes it reliable and possible to plan accordingly when a member of the household is exposed or diagnosed with COVID-19. The earlier you are able to obtain a test kit and quarantine yourself, the more protection you offer to your family and friends. By being proactive and stocking up on rapid test kits, you are planning for the future no matter what happens.
For more information on COVID testing — both at-home at an urgent care center — reach out to the professionals at Care Station Medical Group!