4 Tips for Staying Cool in the Summer Heat
As the summer months approach, everybody could do with a bit of reminding about how to best deal with increasing temperatures. It can be easy when you’re having fun in the sun to forget the key steps to take to avoid exhaustion, dehydration, and other issues that will land you in urgent care. Here are just a few of those steps to keep in mind.
1. Dress for the Weather
Do your best to wear clothing that is loose-fitting whenever you can. Darker-colored clothing will not reflect the sunlight and heat the way that lighter clothing will, so sticking to a brighter color palette will be in your best interest. Doing so aids in maintaining a healthy body temperature. Doctors may recommend wearing wide-brimmed hats to lessen your face’s exposure to the sun. And, as always, don’t forget the sunscreen!
2. Take It Easy
Take things slowly. Avoid excessively strenuous activities such as biking, hiking, running, and even jogging in hot weather. Exercise at indoor gyms when you can. If you are going to be partaking in sports or other physical activities outside, try to schedule them during cooler hours of the day — in the early morning and in the late evening.
3. Stay Out of the Heat
Try planning your activities around when the temperatures will be at their highest. You want to stay indoors when you can to avoid being exposed to the warmest hours of the day. Investing in an air conditioner and spending time in cool spaces lessens your chances of needing to visit an urgent care center. If AC is not an option for you, do what you can do to stay on the lowest floor of your home and away from the sun’s rays.
4. Drink Plenty of Water
This is perhaps one of the most important tips that you should remember. Be sure to drink lots and lots of water — even if you don’t quite feel thirsty. Generally, when you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. If you believe that you are experiencing any symptoms of dehydration, such as dry mouth, heart palpitations, or lightheadedness, do not hesitate to reach out to a medical professional.
According to the Urgent Care Association, urgent cares in America work with an average of three patients every hour. Don’t think twice about reaching out to an urgent care like Care Station Medical Group for more information on staying cool and healthy this summer!