What You Should Know About Adult Acne

Published On: November 7, 2019Categories: Uncategorized

When we were young, our skin was a major cause for concern. Between breakouts, the forlorn cystic zit, and acne, there was little that made us feel at ease. One of the most popular responses to this stress was a simple phrase: you’ll grow out of it.

It’s true that many adults grow out of their acne once teenage hormones settle to more manageable levels. But countless adults still suffer from the frustration of adult acne.

While acne is typified as a teenage issue, acne can occur in just about anyone for a variety of reasons. Luckily, visiting a dermatology center can offer you valuable insights that you can’t get anywhere else. Here’s what you should know about adult acne and when it’s time to visit a dermatology clinic.

Adult acne: A definition

Adult acne becomes an issue when it occurs in people older than 25, but it can be seen in people over the age of 50, too. It’s characterized by chronic outbreaks in pimples on the body (not just the face). Acne is commonly seen on the forehead, cheeks, and backs in teens while adult acne sufferers often experience it on their neck and jaw. Luckily, acne becomes less common on our backs and chests as these glands become less active with age.

Keep in mind that it’s also possible for adults to get acne for the first time when they reach adulthood. Adult-onset acne can be particularly frustrating since you never thought you would have to worry about this problem. Thanks to changing or fluctuating hormone levels, some people experience acne for the first time in their 50s.

Causes of adult acne

Just like teenage acne, adult acne occurs for the same reasons: namely clogged pores. But these pores can be clogged by a variety of reasons, especially as your skin changes because of hormones and more. Here are some of the most common reasons you might experience adults acne:

Hormonal changes: As we grow older, our hormones begin to change. This can lead to the overproduction of oil. We need these oils to keep our skin healthy, but higher levels of oil results in higher incidents of acne. This is because dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria are more likely to get trapped and clog your pores.

Going through hormonal fluctuations is natural. We’re more likely to experience acne during or after pregnancy, while we’re menstruating, or during menopause. Experiencing high levels of stress can also throw your hormones off balance since your adrenal glands will release more cortisol. Finding ways to reduce stress and relax might help mitigate these high levels of cortisol. If you have consistent issues with acne and the oils on your skin, it might be worth a trip to the dermatology clinic to learn more.

Sensitive skin reacting to bad products: If you’ve recently switched to a new soap or facial cleanser, you might notice a rise in the number of pimples on your face. Sensitive skin reacts poorly to products that might clog your pores. Unless you have very dry skin, you should always use moisturizers that are water-based and oil-free.

Genetics: This is, perhaps, the most frustrating reason behind adult acne. Some people who have naturally larger pores are simply more likely to suffer from adult acne. This is because these pores are more easily clogged. Luckily, your dermatology provider can recommend a number of pore-reducing products to prevent dirt and oils from invading your pores.

Contact a dermatology provider you can trust: Care Station Medical

Even if you don’t suffer from acne, it’s natural to get a zit or pimple from time to time. If you’re worried about your skin, there’s no shame in seeking out the help of an experienced dermatologist for help or advice. For more information on this branch of dermatology, rely on Care Station Medical for the advice you need.