How a Dermatologist Can Help You Get Your Confidence Back

While the way you look shouldn’t be all that’s on your mind, it can sometimes affect your confidence to the point of depression. No one should have to feel this way when it comes to the way you look and feel, so that’s why you can turn to a dermatologist for help. Here are some ways a dermatologist can help you get your confidence back.
What Does a Dermatologist Do?
You might be wondering how one of these specialists in dermatology can help you. A dermatologist is a doctor that specializes in conditions related to hair, skin, and nails. While most doctors are typically concerned with how you feel on the inside, it’s a dermatologist’s job to also see what’s bothering you on the outside.
Dealing With Hair
Whether you have too much or too little of it, a dermatologist can help when it comes to your hair. If you’re looking to encourage hair growth, dermatologists can prescribe certain medications that will make your hair look and feel more healthy. They can also recommend certain treatments like hair transplants that can be a more permanent and long-term solution to your issue. If you have too much hair, though, this is also something a dermatologist can have multiple solutions for. For instance, with the right tools, a dermatologist can perform laser hair removal on parts of your body where you don’t want as much hair. Some common spots that could end up having too much hair would be your back, your calves, or even on your face. No matter what the hair-related issue is, an expert dermatologist can give you the correct guidance.
Acne is one of those things that can affect the way you feel all throughout your high school years and into adulthood. If you don’t tackle your acne early, you can be left with scarring and long-term issues. Many adults feel that acne goes away once you get past puberty but for some people, it’s only just the beginning. That’s why it’s important to address these issues early on. Once you start getting acne, with the help of a dermatologist, they can prescribe you medication that will help to reduce the amount of acne you get. Typically this incorporates drying out your skin so that bacteria has nowhere to grow underneath your skin. Another thing a dermatologist can help with is the extraction of a pimple. Although some dermatologists recommend not popping your pimples to reduce scarring, others believe that with their help, extractions can be completed safely without creating long-term scarring. One way that dermatologists have been treating scarring is by using a process called microneedling. What this does is create smaller scars on your skin that promote healthier skin recovery.
Healthier Skin
While acne is one part of the health of your skin, there are people who suffer from skin conditions like eczema which leaves their skin extremely dry. Utilizing modern technology, dermatologists have found ways to leave the skin healthier using ointments and medication. There are also solutions for people who have extremely oily skin. While there are oils that are good for you, too much of the oil your body produces can lead to acne as an adult. Dermatologists also use a process called dermaplaning which scrapes away dead skin cells, allowing your body to produce new, healthy skin cells.
While these are only some of the ways a dermatologist can help you, these are the common issues people face when it comes to their confidence in relation to the health of their skin. No one has to feel bad about the way their skin feels and looks. Even if you get to the point in your life when you are facing hair loss, it doesn’t have to be something that weighs you down forever. According to, you should visit the doctor at least once a year, and the same can be said for a dermatologist. As long as you stay on top of the health of your skin, you can catch any serious issues before they get worse. If you’re having issues with your skin, don’t be afraid to reach out to us. Although it can be embarrassing, it’s our job to help you with any of your health-related issues. Give us a call today!